Major Dentistry

Root Canal Therapy

A ‘root canal’ refers to the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. It is made up of the pulp chamber which provides nutrients and nerves to each tooth and the ‘canals’ that run through each root. Root canal Therapy is a procedure done to treat and save a tooth that is damaged, infected or badly decayed. The treatment involves (1) removal of the nerves and pulp and (2) cleaning and sealing the infected area inside the tooth. The most common reason for a RCT is when a tooth gets badly decayed and bacteria enter and multiply inside the tooth. Left without treatment, these bacteria cause infections and form infection/abscesses at the roots of the tooth. This can result in severe pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, discoloration of the tooth and swelling that could spread to other areas of the face or head. The only way to save the tooth is to have root canal therapy. Other causes that can lead to Root canal therapy are repeated dental procedures, cracks in the tooth or trauma to the face.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are one of the latest treatment options to replace a missing tooth or a number of teeth. When replacing a tooth with an implant, we refer to two parts, the implant fixture/screw and the implant crown. The implant fixture is an artificial titanium rod which is placed directly into the jaw bone and acts to replace the root portion of your missing tooth. The implant is made out of titanium which allows new bone cells to grow around it and fuse to your jawbone. The implant crown is screwed onto the implant fixture giving you your new tooth. This happens some months after the implant fixture has fused to your jawbone.

Dental Crowns

A crown is a tooth shaped cover which fits over the existing structure of your natural tooth to protect and restore the tooth’s function. Crowns can be used for a few different reasons including;

  • Restoring teeth which have been weakened/worn due to decay, fracture and grinding.
  • Improve the shape, alignment and shade of a tooth.
  • After root canal treatment, to strengthen the tooth.


A bridge is one treatment option used to replace a missing tooth or teeth.  It is a permanent fixture that anchors on the natural teeth either side of the missing tooth/teeth to ‘bridge’ the gap. This also prevents the adjacent natural teeth from drifting into the missing tooth space and interfering with your bite.